Rena Weekly Report #16

Rena Finance
2 min readDec 5, 2022


This past week, our team has been focused on implementing new features and improvements to the user interface. One of our main goals is to make the protocol easy and intuitive to use, so we’ve been putting a lot of effort into refining the design and user experience. We’ve made several updates to the interface, including adding new visual elements and making the navigation more straightforward.

Weekly Task Summary

  • Web3 Library testing
  • Further primitives
  • Design Final Pages: rStaking & rBonds
  • Setup Fronted Testing Environment and tooling
  • Integrate Web3 into Frontend

What was Achieved?

Setup Fronted Testing Environment and tooling

Frontend testing is being done via browser automation. However, if needed, we will write unit tests of localized function logic, but it’s highly unlikely since we have the Web3 integration library.

UI Design of Final page — rSTaking and rBonds

We have created the routing and dummy pages for the following:

  • Dashboard
  • rGov
  • rEarn
  • rBonds
  • rStaking
  • Styleguide

The First Final Candidate Version (the first version of a product or feature that is considered to be ready for final testing and deployment) of the rStaking and rBonds pages has been built and will be iterated by the design team.

Further Primitives Frame & Menu

Some more new primitives were developed for UI features. Primitives. Primitives are important in front-end development because they provide the foundation upon which more complex features can be built.

Newly built primitives:

  • Icon Primitives (Menu & Social Links)
  • The Frame Complex Component, which wraps the whole site and houses the menu
  • Menu Component
  • Background Accents

The frames will also be iterated by the design team next week. Responsive Features are more complex and will need more work. Hence, it could not complete this week.

Static Analysis

In parallel with frontend development, we’re also currently running static analysis tools (operate by examining the source code of a program and applying a set of rules or algorithms to identify potential issues) on the second version of RenaV2 drafts in order to ensure the best overall quality and standard of the codebase as the launch date approaches.

Small fixes during the analysis mostly involve low-impact issues such as — variable naming, while most issues are identified as false positives.

Carry Over

  • Web3 library testing
  • Integrating Web3 into Frontend
  • Responsiveness check

Next Week’s Tasks

  • Test web3 library
  • Integrating Web3 into the Frontend
  • Finish running static analysis tools and perform small fixes
  • Finalize rStaking & rBonds while integrating web3 connectivity to the testnet

Thank you for reading our Rena V2 report! We’ll be back next week for another update for week #17.🙌



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