Rena V2 Weekly Dev Report #9

Rena Finance
3 min readSep 21, 2022


In this week’s sprint, we have successfully covered testing on the remaining Rena V2 updates. We have also been busy with research on ITS, hosting documentation, modifications, and more. Let’s dive in!

Weekly Task Summary:

  • RenaV2Pair testing
  • RenaV2Factory testing
  • RenaV2Factory modification
  • RenaV2Router testing
  • Research on ITS compatibility
  • Static analysis
  • Automatic deployment

What was Achieved?

RenaV2Pair Testing

First, we covered the tasks carried over from the previous week due to extensive code work on rBalancer and eRewarder. We completed the testing for Renav2Pair requirements(Figure1 & Figure2)

Figure 1
Figure 2


Then we moved on to testing the requirements for RenaV2Factory. All 15 requirements were tested successfully (Figure3 & Figure4).

Figure 3
Figure 4

Another update on the RenaV2Factory is that the behavior of the factory was slightly modified to grant the correct rights to the created pair. It is no longer required to manually grant LOCKER rights to the pair on rBond after deployment.


The contract was modified to have a 24h hours of locking duration by default. Previously, a duration had to be manually set for each token.


All five requirements for RenaV2Router were also tested successfully (Figure5 & Figure6)

Figure 5
Figure 6

Research ITS compatibility

With ITS compatibility, the topic of discussion is about being able to create a rBond with ITS as a tradable token. An issue was raised that the rRewarder contract would need to call the rebalance function of ITS, which is currently not possible. Further discussion is scheduled for the next Rena meeting.

Static analysis

Static analysis is the process of debugging a program by examining the code without actually executing the program. This step helps improve the overall product quality standards. Automated tools are used to perform the analysis, in our case, we used slither ( Post analysis, several bugs were identified and fixed, and the remaining issues are pushed into a markdown file in docs/

Documentation generation

Markdown documentation found in docs/ lists all functions of RenaV2 and their descriptions. It is generated automatically, thus not in the most readable format.

Automated deployment

A GitHub runner was set up, deploying the version of the current contract on a local test net.

A block explorer provider (ethernal) can be accessed publicly to explore the chain of events.

Thank you for reading our Rena V2 report! We’ll be back next week for another update for week #10.🙌



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