Rena V2 Weekly Dev Report #1
- Setup default contract repository
- Setup project task board
- Create questions on the board
- Start rStaking code
- rBalancer requirements
- rBondDistributer requirements
- rRENAStaking/rITSStaking requirements
- rRewarder requirements
Planning and organization
A repository has been set up for RenaV2 along with a task board. 23 Issues opened, 7 closed. A discussion about rBonds is scheduled during the next weekly meeting. The global approach for treating tasks is “shortest first” as we’ll target the easiest modules first, such as Staking.
The team has started building requirements for every project component based on the documentation. Additional questions are created on the project board, to be treated by the team lead and tokenomics designer.
Requirements serve as guidelines for automated testing.
Technical Choices
The repository is bound to the latest openzepplin version 4.7.0, targeting solidity 0.8.0 and higher.
Deployment and testing are handled with hardhat 2.6.2 and mocca 1.0.3.
Tests are written in typescript using openzepplelin test-helpers 0.5.15 library.
Guidelines for cleaner code are produced within the repository, with samples.
rRENAStaking and rITSStaking were found to share the same requirements. A global contract named rStaking is to be produced.
A first draft is underway, featuring a standard erc20 staking contract extension to include the rewards boosting feature. The way stake locking mechanism operates is still to be determined.
Next Week’s Target
- Complete rStaking draft
- Complete requirements for rBalancer
- Complete requirements for rRewarder
- Complete requirements for rBond
- Start writing rBalancer code
- Complete RenaPairV2 draft