Rena Dev Report #21
We are finally striking off extensive rBond development from the list, which took up most of the previous week. Besides that, we also innovated the testing modules to ensure cleaner and more efficient beta testing.
Let’s dig into last week’s progress with only a few weeks until Rena >> Beta.
Weekly Task Summary
- Finish Connecting rBonds to UI & Beta Testing rBonds on Testnet
- Write a Rebalancer script for the beta phase
- Beta Testing: e2e MetaMask testing with Private keys
- New Components: Dropdown
- Quality of Life Improvements
What was Achieved?
rBonds Connected to UI & Beta Testing rBonds on Testnet
Most of the rBonds are ready for internal testing, including:
- bondsList (overview & user Owned)
- tokenLists populated from bond data (no cache)
- purchaseBondWithETH
- queryDiscount, queryReserves, queryUniPrice, queryRenaPrice
- userBondList (claiming, rebalancing, management)
Two parameters that are yet to be tested include:
- purchaseBondWithToken
- createRBond (RENA/ITS , ITS/WETH)
Finishing the Roundtrip & Automated testing of creating -> buying -> claiming bonds with multiple actors will be our next endeavor to finalize rBonds.
Write a Rebalancer script for phase Beta
The test network was updated with a new deployment script in which the ITS/WETH pair was removed as it’s not used, and provisions RENA/WETH rDistributor with a very large amount of RENA so rebalancing could be triggered manually using the explorer.
Beta Testing: e2e MetaMask testing with Private keys
We have completed the setup for easier automated e2e testing is complete. A Chromium browser will be installed that sets up a local MetaMask with accounts derived from the private keys from hardhat.
This way a test can be done in a clean manner with an empty MetaMask with the same starting conditions every time. This allows us to dramatically shorten the Testnet-Onboarding time and setup. A fresh specific MetaMask version will be installed, and after setting up accounts, we can test several functions via automation.
This kind of testing is commonly called integration testing because it tests the final product instead of unit testing, which tests only logical parts.
New Dropdown Component Added
A Dropdown component was introduced, which will be used for all types of selection tasks regarding tokenlists, LP-Pools, and sorting.
Quality of Life, Error Boundaries, Logging
We also added a better way to globally catch errors and recover on thrown eros, logging expressions inside Template to make debugging easier. Last but not least, the VUE dev tools also support Rena’s store setup now.
Next week’s Target
- Alpha Testing rBonds on Testnet
- Finalizing rStaking Web3 Actions
- rBonds creation
- Prepare for Beta-Phase
- Styling Iteration on finished web3 parts
Thank you for reading our Rena v2 report. We’ll be back next week with the 22nd edition.🙌