Rena Dev Report #20

Rena Finance
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


Welcome to a new dev report! Rena v2 has taken months of concerted effort, but it’s now slowly coming together. These past weeks we are focused on bringing v2 closer to its beta phase, including changes that pave the way for further web3 integrations, enable logic flows, and more!

Let’s dig in!

Weekly Task summary

  • Testnet Deployment & RPC Connection
  • Implement web3 stores: rBonds, actions & logging
  • Bugs, cleanup & store refactoring

What was Achieved?

Testnet Deployment & RPC connection

The testnet uses a hardhat node forking mainnet. It deploys Renav2 and creates RENA/rETH and ITS/rETH liquidity pairs. The best part — we all know how problematic and unintuitive faucets can be, which is why we developed a faucet contract that allows testers to acquire an unlimited amount of RENA and ITS. Additionally, we are using Ethernal as the explorer for testing and debugging, which is a more convenient avenue to interact with smart contracts. This is because Ethernal automatically verified the smart contract upon deployment, which ensures that the code is free of vulnerabilities.

Web3 Stores: rBonds — State, Actions, and Logging

As we consider rBonds a critical system, we prioritized its development this week. To improve the system’s logic flow and to provide “free” logging capabilities, we distributed the system’s functionality into stores. These stores have explicit actions that can occur in the system.

Currently, we have implemented 80% of rBond’s Web3 API surface and 50% for rStaking. We will start beta testing the rBonds system to ensure it functions as expected. Additionally, we have created a web3 library that makes integration more robust and efficient. We will open source the web3 library once development is complete.

Bugs, Cleanup, and Store Refactoring

We also focused on addressing the bugs, clearing up the Rena v2 codebase, and refactoring the stores to make them more efficient.

One of the major updates is that the wallet connect is ready, and it is now possible to take RPC from injected sources such as Metamask or URL. This abstracts EOA wallet complexity by reducing button clicks and enables a smoother experience for Rena users overall.

We have also made changes to the Pinia store layout, moving from an object/option-based approach to a function/setup-based one. This allows for more efficient data storage capabilities.

Last but not least, we have been working on making store composition possible. To explain — this would allow us to connect the store together, such as WalletStore connecting to the Web3LibStore, which in turn can connect to the rBondStore. Overall this would improve the modularity of Rena’s codebase, allowing us to implement changes and protocol improvements more easily and in less time.

Next week’s Target

  • Finish Connecting rBonds to UI & Beta Testing rBonds on Testnet
  • Finalizing rStaking Web3 Actions & Test on Testnet
  • Prepare for Beta-Phase
  • Write a rebalancer script for the beta phase

Thank you for reading our Rena v2 report. We’ll be back next week with the 21st edition.🙌



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